Natalia FerrerAdministrative Service Manager

Administrative Service Manager with 5 years of Office Manager & Support background, as well a strong customer relations experience.

In WaveTel ApS Natalia is responsible for a diverse set of administrative tasks. She assists in accounting duties, billing, issuing invoices, overseeing payroll and payroll expenses and processing paperwork.

Natalia performs her duties with decisiveness and accuracy to ensure the smooth functioning of the company.

contact details

+34 971 578 910
Calle del Arxiduc Lluis Salvador 7b
Palma de Mallorca

Social Profiles

Contact us at the WaveTel office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

“During our period of cooperation with Wavetel, we have never felt pushed to take any Consultant. This is often the case with other Consultant Companies, who are calling many times per day to push single consultants in at T-Mobile”

Ad Kuhn
Manager Transmission Engineering, T-Mobile Netherlands BV

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